That said, witches generally have different connotations than most other classic monsters, due to the uncomfortable reality of historical witch hunts, which killed a lot of innocent people. While we are at it, Van Helsing, the Trope Namer for one of the above-mentioned tropes, hunted vampires instead of witches, but even the standard ones are rarely above an occasional hunt after a vicious vampire or demon. Due to these traits, a witch hunter is usually a perpetrator of Van Helsing Hate Crimes either out of genuine hatred, or mere cruelty and profit thus, when the Witch Hunter appears, he is usually a villain or (in settings where witches are actually evil by default) a very dark Anti-Hero. He can be seen handing out the Torches and Pitchforks, and " Burn the Witch!" is his favourite solution. The Witch Hunter is the grim, broody, badass-longcoated, and nice-hatted guy who is always prepared to lead a Witch Hunt, but beware, for this guy, as much as he is well intentioned and soul-saving, often leaves that pesky sort-them-out trade to the Lord, and he tends to be a bit creepy about his principles.
Or it could even be something a bit more mundane: maybe the local count thinks the mole on that kindly old lady's chin is really gross. Perhaps the resident wizard isn't too much into helping upstart heroes, or something has to be done with that " persecuted religious community" at the corner before you run out of virgins. This ain't no happy-singing-rainbows-and-fairies kind of fantasy you've got here, and there's a problem. Let's say you live in a fantasy setting, but no, you aren't having it easy.